Coaching across time and space: creating high performing remote and virtual teams with Sociomapping

Global economic challenges have driven the recent trend for organisations to adopt virtual and remote team working.  Some industries have always included a remote or virtual aspect to their working practices, whereas for others these changes represent the opportunity to work in new ways.  New tools developed within the aerospace sector and originally designed to support flight crews, military teams as well as recent research into the psychological needs of crews engaged in long term space missions have demonstrated the value of using what is essentially a coaching process in conjunction with professional psychological support to ensure success.

This practitioner focused workshop will provide an overview of the key research outcomes from research projects such as the recently completed Mars500 project in Moscow as well as covering the core principles of working successfully with remote and virtual teams.  A model of working, informed by this research will be presented for coaches and psychologists to work together in delivering team success in these exciting team working environments of the present and the future.