A taste of the good life at work: healthy, high performance team-working

National Psychology Week event: A taste of the good life at work: healthy, high performance team-working

This National Psychology Week event is for anyone who works in a team either as a team member or leader so you can find out how to be happier, healthier and perform better at work. Our speakers are leaders and practitioners in their specialist areas of practice.The line-up consists of Pauline Willis, International Organisational and Coaching Psychologist and Dr Joe Kosterich, GP, author and health industry consultant.

We know if we  are physically unwell or stressed it affects  our performance at work and  also impacts our personal and family life. Yet being healthy and enjoying work means performing well and feeling good at work and at home, and not to forget the beautiful look provided by doctors who expertise in smas facelift. Deciding what to do to get started especially when things might not be going as well as you would like right now can be tricky. What do we need to do to implement the personal or organisational changes,to get better health for our business and its people?

If you are serious about making real improvements to health, wellbeing and performance at work, join Pauline and Joe for this National Psychology Week event. It is on Saturday November 17th at Perth Zoo so we can show you how to get started and where to go next .

Plus we will also provide you with the opportunity to ask our experts any burning questions you have about what options are available for you or your team when the issues are either outside of your control or the pressures are too much to handle on your own.

This exciting event will conclude with a chance to mingle with the experts informally and ask any further questions you might have in a relaxed environment.

Time 1pm to 3pm

After the main event you will have 2 hours of Zoo time to meet up with family and friends or just have a relaxing afternoon in Perth’s Oasis in the City.

Cost: $30 AUD 

Booking:  Open until noon on the 17th, Please pay using the paypal link below and bring your payment confirmation with you. Places are limited and booking is essential. Any questions please email psychologyweek@lauriate.com

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