Teams are the functional powerhouses of our organisations and yet teams do not always perform as well as we both expect and need them to. Who are your key teams? Are they the executives who run your organisation from the top or are they medical or emergency services personnel responding to crises in the community. Perhaps they are call centre staff making sales or caring for your customers needs? Whoever your teams are, less than optimal performance will prevent your business from achieving it’s full potential.
Is your goal is to harness the power of coaching by up-skilling your managers, team leaders or internal coaches with innovative new tools and approaches whilst building on the tried, tested and trusted? Would you like to optimise the use of external consultants and coaches so you are getting best value?
This event will provide you with valuable insights into how to transform the dormant potential of teams and create business success through effective team working.
Featuring the following tools and real team cases
Team Sociomapping – Communication cases- Mars 500 & Dell Virtual Team
Team Profile Analyzer (TPA) – E-commerce team profiled with WAVE Focus Styles, Swift and Performance 360
Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) – Senior supply chain team in large FMCG
Advance booking is essential. Cost $125
Registration 6pm
Event starts at 6.30 and closes at 8.30