Assessing Cross Cultural Negotiation and Communication Style

Lauriate is currently finalising the development of a new assessment tool that will provide a means of assessing Cross Cultural Negotiation and Communcation Style.

This instrument is designed to be used within coaching programmes and workshops that are focussed on developing individual competences to optimise the effectiveness of negotation and communication across both national and organisational cultures.

We are now moving into a validation stage and are seeking individuals and organisations to complete the new questionnaire as part of this process. The questionnaire can be completed either in paper and pencil format or online. If you are interested in completing the questionnaire free of charge as part of the validation process please contact us at for further information and application details.

Assessing psychopathy in the workplace – the B Scan will be available in February 2004

Professor Robert Hare a Canadian expert in the assessment of psychopathy gave a talk entitled ”snakes in suits – when psychopaths go to work” to a packed lecture theatre in Cardiff last week, reported Joanna Hill-Tout from the BBC whose full article can be found on the BBC website under the title The Psychopaths in Suits

In this article, Joanna summarises Robert Hare’s brief guidelines for identifying psychopaths in the workplace as follows:-

How to spot a ‘snake in a suit’ in your office
They are manipulative
They lack specific goals
They have superficial relations with people
They are impulsive
They are irresponsible
They crave power and prestige
They lack empathy
They lack remorse
They lie easily
They have predatory instincts
They are cool under pressure
They seek excitement and thrills
They take credit for the work of others
They fly into rages

Professor Hare argues that psychopathic tendencies in the workplace may be associated with serious anti-social behaviours that are very damaging, but does also note that in some business environments, like the used car industry, some of these traits may be perceived as being desirable to organisations.

Whilst some people may consider these traits to be useful in certain contexts, for organisations (including those in the used car industry) that are values driven and committed to long-term sustainable success, it is important to select and develop leaders whose needs for power and achievement are balanced with empathy and personal integrity.

An assessment tool developed by Professor Hare called the Business Scan (B Scan) to provide a reliable means of measuring psychopathic tendencies within organisations will be available in the UK from February 2004. This tool can be used as part of a broader assessment process within organisations either before ‘high potential’employees are promoted to leadership roles or large investments in their development made through interventions like Executive Coaching

Other BBC news items relating to this topic
Is your boss a corporate psycho

Lauriate’s principal psychologist Pauline Willis appointed to EMCC Executive Board

The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) exists to promote good practice and the expectation of good practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe. Pauline Willis who is Lauriate’s principal psychologist and co-founding director The Coaching & Mentoring Network has been appointed to the Executive Board of the EMCC.

EMCC Board 2003-2004
Sir John Whitmore of Performance Consultants Ltd
Professor David Megginson of Sheffield Hallam university
Professor David Clutterbuck of Clutterbuck associates
Eric Parsloe of the Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring
Julie Hay of A D International
Pierre de Jonghe, International Coach Federation Board Member in Belgium
Unn Sollie of the Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration
Robin Linecar, The Change Partnership, Whitehead Mann
Donald McLeod, The Executive Coaching Forum
Pauline Willis, Coaching and Mentoring Network
Alison Carter, Institute for Employment Studies
Peter Bluckert, PB Consulting
Zulfi Hussain, BT Ignite Solutions
Peter Matthews, Ernst & Young
Charles Brook, The Performance Solution
Tricia Bey, The School of Coaching

Pauline Willis to lead EMCC Standards Project

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council has launched a consultation project as first step in creating European standards for professional coaching and mentoring practice.

This ground breaking project to develop professional standards for coaching and mentoring practice is the first time an attempt has been made to engage the whole coaching and mentoring community internationally in a consultative process to bring together a standards framework that can be used as a benchmark for the future development of the profession.

A considerable variety of coaching and mentoring frameworks, codes of practice and standards currently exist within the industry. The European Mentoring and Coaching Council”s initiative, in bringing together key organisations and interest groups, to share best practice in the creation of a set of unifying professional standards is a landmark event. It will have a major impact on whether the industry should be regulated and will help clients to understand fully the services on offer from providers of coaching and mentoring.

A briefing paper discussing the initiative and the need for international standards in coaching and mentoring, is available free of charge from EMCC. If you would like a copy contact the project officer

Starting a Technology Business

Starting a Technology Business
Wednesday 14th May 2003 17:30-21:30
Venue: Culham Innovation Centre
(Registration Essential)

This event is aimed at people thinking of starting a technology business or those
who already have. It will be both informative and thought provoking. There will
be a series of short presentations on why technology businesses are different, what
issues you will face as an individual and how to exploit your ideas. These will be
interleaved by actual case studies and rounded off by questions to the speakers.
Discussions will continue informally over refreshments with a further opportunity
to network or visit the Innovation Centre.

Pauline Willis is speaking at this event.

Download the programme and registration form

European Mentoring and Coaching Council formed to promote standards of good practice

The European Mentoring Centre, the primary body representing mentoring in employment since 1992, is to become the The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) with a wider remit and a much-expanded range of activities. The move comes in the wake of extended discussion within the coaching and mentoring community about the establishment and recognition of good practice.

The EMCC is a unifying and inclusive body covering a broad spectrum and so invitations to join the new Council have been issued to existing organisations from the voluntary and community, professional training and development, counselling at work, life coaching and academic psychology sectors. Several such groups have already been established to ensure wide representation namely: academics, trainers of coaches and mentors, in house practitioners, practising coaches and mentors, executive coaches and continental European coaches.

The vision and primary aims of the EMCC include the development of credible methods for assessing the capability of providers in this increasingly crowded field. A standing Special Interest Group working party is reviewing standards, ethics and codes of conduct, with a view to bringing some clarity to a very confused picture.

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