Invitation to share your Celebratory Stories and Cautionary Tales about life or business coaching

Firecracker productions are professional filmmakers who are making a documentary for Channel 4 and are eager to hear both celebratory stories and cautionary tales from people who have worked with either a life or business coach.

The filmmakers are seeking to create a documentary that will inform both coaches and their prospective clients about what to expect in terms of responsible professional coaching practice.

A questionnaire has been developed to capture both celebratory stories and cautionary tales about coaching from the client perspective which should achieve the aim of supporting the filmmakers in finding people who are willing to take part in the documentary, as well as collecting valid and reliable research data about the issues being explored. We are hoping that a broad range people who have both positive and negative experiences of coaching will participate.

If you have purchased coaching services and would like to be interviewed as part of the documentary your details will be passed on to the film producers who will make decisions about which stories to feature. If, however, you want to participate in this survey for the purposes of providing research information only, then all of the details provided will be treated with strictest confidence.

The questionnaire is in 4 parts which cover:-

  • Information about your coach and coaching programme
  • Impact of the coaching on your life or business along with ‘the full story’ in your own words
  • Additional background information that will support analysis and reporting
  • Participant contact details

If you are interested in sharing your Celebratory Story or Cautionary Tale for the purpose of taking part in the filming, you should complete the questionnaire by January 31st at the very latest.

Go to
to tell us about your Celebratory Story or Cautionary Tale

EMCC Standards Project Update

The next reporting date for the EMCC Coaching & Mentoring Standards Project is June 15th at the 3rd Annual Standards Workshop to be held in Oxford. The EMCC will now be collecting data in preparation for this next important industry wide event until May 31st, so if you have not yet taken part in this consultatative research process you now have another opportunity to do.

Existing project participants also now have the opportunity to review and modify previous responses, or to be upgraded to the next level of involvement.

To give you an idea of what is involved, there are 200 ‘core’ standards and these relate to competencies that are ‘core’ to all types of coaching and mentoring practice. Everyone who participates in the project is given a username and password that allows them to go online and rate these standards via an online ‘questionnaire’.

For those who are interested in going to the next level, this would involve rating an additional 200 statements relative to your area of practice. These additional statements and indicators cover specialised areas that touch upon a range of professional domains, these include leadership development, systems thinking, psychological models and artistic and creative skills.

If you would like to take part in this consultative research project contact


Invitation to participate in ground-breaking Standards Project

The European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) this week announced
that it is entering the second phase of its ground-breaking Standards
Research Project.

In the first phase, an expert panel identified a wide set of key
competencies for coaching and mentoring professionals. Now the EMCC is
asking the rest of the industry – and its clients – to help refine these
findings further.

Pauline Willis from Lauriate Ltd, the consultancy contracted to undertake the research said: “The opinions of coaching/mentoring practitioners, academics,
trainers, programme managers and other key consumers of coaching and
mentoring services are all very important and all of these groups are
invited to take part.”

She added: “Results of this research will support the professionalisation
of the coaching and mentoring industry. They will also be of specific
practical value to a range of organisations, training providers,
universities and professional bodies, both within Europe and internationally
who use EMCC research outputs to inform the development of Standards for
Coaching and Mentoring practice.”

The results of the research will be announced at the EMCC’s annual
Standards Workshop on June 15 and will also be published in a range of
academic and practitioner-focused journals, as well as on the
EMCC’s website

This latest tranche of research takes the form of an online survey. EMCC
members will be able to access it through the EMCC using their allocated
usernames and passwords. Non-members are equally welcome to take part and
anyone interested in participating should contact Project Director Pauline
Willis Lauriate Ltd

Pauline urged: “Anyone wishing to take part should act now as the closing
date for completed questionnaires is February 10.”

She added: “Any professional coach or mentor completing the questionnaire
will also receive a CPD certificate in recognition of the time and effort
they have spent. They’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing they will
have played an important role in shaping the future of the coaching and
mentoring industry and may also find that taking part in the research will
also be useful in reflecting on their own development agenda.”

For more information contact Project Director Pauline Willis

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) – Are UK businesses getting it right?

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) aims to end the discrimination that many disabled people face. It gives disabled people important rights of access to employment opportunities, access own transport facilities from and everyday services that others take for granted.

Changes to the DDA mean that from this date anyone providing a service has to address those physical features which make it difficult for people with disabilities to use their services. Ensuring compliance with the spirit of the act does, however, mean doing more than just conforming to the requirement to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the physical environment. For individuals with physical disabilities, it’s beneficial to explore options for personalized care environments, such as specialized hospital beds for home use, to ensure their needs are fully met and their comfort is maximized.

To create a welcoming and supportive environment for both customers and employees with disabilities with the help of disability lawyers in Arizona also means engaging with the person who is disabled, rather than the disability, and overcoming psycho-social as well as physical barriers to access and buy a second hand mobility scooter.

In collaboration with Zulfi Hussain, Lauriate’s Diversity specialist, I will be writing an article for publication in 2005 about how effective UK businesses have been in addressing the spirit of the DDA as opposed to simply ensuring that issues of basic physical access are covered. To this end, I would like to invite your support in finding Britain’s best and worst practices.

If you have a story that highlights either best or worst practice following the implementation of the DDA on October 1st, 2004 and are willing to share this with us please send it to And if you are providing a story that is an example of worst practice, please also tell us how a similar situation could be handled more appropriately.

All contributions will be held in strictest confidence any details that could identify the contributors will be removed to ensure anonymity.

Many thanks & look forward to reading your stories over the next few months!
Pauline Willis

Start Your Business Podcast Today with SoundCloud

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Platforms like SoundCloud provide excellent opportunities for creators to showcase their talent and reach a vast audience. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to establish your brand and engage with your target market, starting a business podcast can be a fantastic way to achieve those goals.

The Power of Podcasting

Podcasting has gained immense popularity in recent years. It allows you to create audio content that can be consumed anytime, anywhere. With the rising demand for podcasts, it’s an ideal time to leverage this medium to grow your business. SoundCloud, a leading audio streaming platform, offers a user-friendly interface and robust features specifically designed for podcast creators.

With SoundCloud, you can easily upload, share, and distribute your podcast episodes. The platform provides a seamless experience for both creators and listeners, making it an excellent choice for hosting your business podcast.

Engage Your Target Audience

One of the primary benefits of starting a business podcast on SoundCloud is the ability to engage directly with your target audience. By delivering valuable content through your podcast episodes, you can establish yourself as an industry expert and build a loyal following.

Moreover, SoundCloud allows you to interact with your listeners through comments, likes, and shares. This two-way communication helps you understand your audience’s needs and preferences, enabling you to tailor your future episodes accordingly. Encouraging your listeners to share your podcast with their networks can also help you reach a wider audience and attract potential customers.

Boost Your Visibility

SoundCloud offers various promotional tools to enhance the visibility of your business podcast. By utilizing tags, descriptions, and relevant keywords, you can optimize your podcast for search engines and increase its discoverability. Additionally, SoundCloud’s recommendation algorithms can suggest your podcast to users interested in similar content, expanding your reach even further.

While focusing on organic growth is crucial, some podcasters choose to buy likes for their soundcloud songs. This strategy can provide a jump-start in building social proof and attracting new listeners. However, it’s essential to balance paid promotion with high-quality content to ensure long-term success.

Monetize Your Podcast

SoundCloud offers monetization options for podcasters, allowing you to earn revenue from your content. Through their Premier program, you can monetize your podcast through ads and listener subscriptions. This can be a significant incentive for entrepreneurs looking to turn their passion for podcasting into a profitable venture.

In conclusion, if you’re considering starting a business podcast, SoundCloud is a fantastic platform to begin your journey. Its user-friendly interface, engagement features, and promotional tools make it an excellent choice for aspiring podcasters. By leveraging the power of podcasting, you can engage with your target audience, boost your brand visibility, and even monetize your content. So, why wait? Start your business podcast today with SoundCloud and take your entrepreneurial endeavors to new heights!

Government grants of up to £1000 for coaching and personal development services available for business leaders in South East England

Managing Directors and senior managers of businesses with between 20-249 employees in the South Eastern regions of the UK can now access up to £1,000 towards their personal development from a new government grants programme.

Funding is being made available for a range of interventions including personal, business or executive coaching and mentoring, training courses, books, qualifications and any other self-improvement tools needed to inspire and develop employees and grow a business.

The grants are available through Business Link and are directed at helping senior staff with addressing specific development needs. To qualify for the grant each MD or Director who applies for the funding must undergo a personal development review where specific development needs and requirements will are discussed and defined. Grants of £1,000 are then allocated to those who are eligible to spend on specific development needs.

For more information about the grants and eligibility criteria either call 0845 600 9006 or visit the following websites
The Learning Campus
Business Link

Lauriate Ltd offers senior managers and directors a range of services to address personal and business development needs ranging from performance improvement to stress management.
More information can be found about our services at the
Lauriate Development Homepage or by calling +44 (0)1865 784388

EMCC 11th Annual Conference brochure now available

The 11th Annual Conference of the European Mentoring & Coaching Council is now available either as a pdf download or glossy paper version.

Lauriate director and consulting psychologist Pauline Willis will be presenting the latest information about the EMCC Standards Project. Core Competencies that underpin both coaching and mentoring as identified through the EMCC Standards Project will be released, along with an extensive ‘bank’ of key indicators. These outputs will be available to the Coaching & Mentoring Communities to support good practice in the assessment and evaluation of coaching competences.

Download the pdf version of the Conference Brochure (685 KB)
If you would like a paper copy posted to you please contact Concepta Wayment at the AMED office on 01480 493253.

Update on the proposal to form a Special Group for Coaching Psycholgoy within the British Psychological Society

There has been phenomenal response from the professional psychological community to the proposed Special Group for Coaching Psychology.

More than 1200 Psychologists who offer professional development services under the branding of ‘coaching’ have registered their intent to join the SGCP if it is formed.

Voting papers have now been sent out to all BPS members with GBR or above so provided that 400 BPS members vote in favour of the Special Group being formed then the SGCP will become an official subsystem of the BPS later this year!

If you are a Coaching Psychologist and have registered your intent to join the SGCP, it is now very important that you look out for your voting papers in the post this week!

Who wants to be an entrepreneur? – Have you got what it takes?

Oxford Innovation is hosting another of it’s successful summer events on Wednesday September 15th for anyone who is thinking about becoming an entrepreneur and taking that new business idea to market.

Lauriate Business Psychologist and Leadership Development specialist Pauline Willis will be presenting a session on ‘what it takes to be an entrepreneur’ in terms of the personal and interpersonal qualities that will either help or hinder success.

Following the formal presentations there will be a relaxed networking session and summer BBQ for everyone to enjoy. The event is hosted free of charge as a service to local Oxford business community, however, numbers are limited so registration is essential.

Further information can be found on the Event Flier

The Business of Being a Psychologist – BPS professional practice event features coaching

The BPS Division of Occupational Psychology are holding a professional practice event for psychologists on September 23rd to 24th at The Oxford Hotel in Oxford.

There will be four keynotes covering the following topics:-

  • The Changing Workforce: Implications of a Greying Workforce
  • Talking the Language of Business
  • Coaching the Coach
  • Demonstrating Customer Value

Lauriate Director Pauline Willis will be delivering the keynote on Coaching the Coach
If you are interested in finding out more about this event or are interested in sponsorship or exhibition opportunities then please call 0116 252 9555 or see the BPS website. We can build a strong body with positive ideas, but we can build a body of Gods first by visiting and second by trying their testosterone supplements, combine the power of the mind with the power of human strength.

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EMCC Standards Project data collection closes August 31st

Data collection for the European Mentoring & Coaching Council Standards Project will close on August 31st. If you need a login/password reminder to complete your competency maps, please do get in touch.

Final work in compiling a set of Draft European Standards, Assessment Guidelines and an extensive Competency Bank for Coaching & Mentoring practice will be conducted during September/October and presented at the EMCC conference in Brussels by Project Leader, Pauline Willis.

If you have not yet booked a place at the conference you can send an application via The EMCC website

CIPD Launches Buyers Guide for Coaching Services

This month the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) launched the Coaching and Buying Coaching Services guide. This comprehensive guide to finding, selecting and managing coaching resources is avalialbe free of charge from the CIPD website.

Written by Jessica Jarvis, the content for the guide was informed by a select panel of leading experts drawn from the Coaching & Mentoring community including Lauriate director and coaching psychologist Pauline Willis, David Lane and Mike Van Oudsthorn from the professional development foundation, David Megginson from Sheffield Hallam University and David Clutterbuck.

Download the Coaching & Buying Coaching Services guide from the CIPD website

EMCC Workshop on Coaching & Mentoring Standards

Pauline Willis will deliver an update on the EMCC Standards project on July 7th at the EMCC Standards Workshop held at The Oxford Hotel in Oxford. The Standards project has involved the collection and collation of coaching and mentoring standards that relate to coach and mentor competence from both national and international sources.

The workshop will be introduced by Sir John Whitmore and Peter Bluckert and will provide an opportunity for further consultation and collaboration within the Coaching & Mentoring community with the aim of creating a set of benchmark standards to guide best practice. Attendance at the workshop is free of charge. Expressions of interest in attending this workshop should be emailed to Pat Sedgley

Is Coaching & Mentoring Changing?

The Performance Management forum will hold an event focusing on Coaching and Mentoring on April 22nd, 2004 at the Radisson Edwardian Mountbatten Hotel in Covent Garden, London.
Lauriate Director Pauline Willis will provide two Keynote speeches for this event. The first keynote will set the scene by covering the current state of the coaching and mentoring industry. The second keynote will look to the future and outline key issues and developments. For further information about this event see the Promotional Leaflet

Pauline Willis elected as Chair of the Coaching Psychology Forum

At the AGM of the Coaching Pscyhology Forum held this month at the British Psychological Society central office in London, Lauriate Director Pauline Willis was elected to the role of Chair for 2004. The key aims of the Coaching Psychology Forum are to lobby the BPS for the creation of a Special Group in Coaching Psychology and also to make the services of Coaching Psychologists more accessible to businesses and the general public.

Accredited Coaching Psychology modules now available

Lauriate has been contracted to provide a range of advanced modules focussing on aspects of Coaching Psychology in association with specialist coach training provider CFM consulting.

CFM have delivered coach training programmes accredited by Strathclyde University within large organisations since 2001. The Coaching Psychology modules have been designed to support non-psychologist coaches who undertake the accredited programme to develop a greater awareness of Coaching Psychology principles and become more effective as business coaches.

One of the first modules to be delivered in 2004 focuses on the knowledge and skills required by coaches to manage the boundary between coaching and professional psychology services. Additional modules will focus on key areas such as Emotional Intelligence & Critical Thinking Skills for business performance. All Coaching Psychology modules delivered through CFM are to be lead by a BPS Chartered Psychologist.

For more information about Lauriate’s coaching psychology programmes