Lauriate’s principal psychologist Pauline Willis appointed to EMCC Executive Board

The European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) exists to promote good practice and the expectation of good practice in mentoring and coaching across Europe. Pauline Willis who is Lauriate’s principal psychologist and co-founding director The Coaching & Mentoring Network has been appointed to the Executive Board of the EMCC.

EMCC Board 2003-2004
Sir John Whitmore of Performance Consultants Ltd
Professor David Megginson of Sheffield Hallam university
Professor David Clutterbuck of Clutterbuck associates
Eric Parsloe of the Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring
Julie Hay of A D International
Pierre de Jonghe, International Coach Federation Board Member in Belgium
Unn Sollie of the Norwegian School of Economics & Business Administration
Robin Linecar, The Change Partnership, Whitehead Mann
Donald McLeod, The Executive Coaching Forum
Pauline Willis, Coaching and Mentoring Network
Alison Carter, Institute for Employment Studies
Peter Bluckert, PB Consulting
Zulfi Hussain, BT Ignite Solutions
Peter Matthews, Ernst & Young
Charles Brook, The Performance Solution
Tricia Bey, The School of Coaching